Valeri Copponi – The Time of Reckoning

“Your loving Mother” to Valeria Copponi on March 16th, 2022:

Yes, my daughter, I want to inflame you with love for Jesus. The times in which you are living are really very hard: I hope that all this commotion will lead you to prayer and peace. Remember that wars never lead to peace: only prayer to your Savior can change your tears into smiles. I am always with you, but sadly a great number of your brothers and sisters are still living in sin, far from God. I speak, and those of you who understand my words have the intuition that, without love for God, you are going nowhere. Pray and get others to pray — otherwise, wars will bring pain and division among you.

I say to you: love more, especially those whom you consider to be your enemies! I know full well that I am asking much of you, but please listen to me, otherwise, the Devil will play his cards, abetted by your not-so-charitable behavior. Little children, the times are being shortened: you have come to the time of reckoning; obey my requests and your Father will still give you times of final possibilities. Approach the sacraments, make use of sacramentals, use blessed water to greet your friends and family, and Satan will leave you.

Temptations are the roads that lead to Satan, therefore abandon roads of this type and set out on those that have been travelled by the saints before you. My little children, pray, pray, pray; you will see that your roads will become less tiring. I am with you: ask me for the help that you need. I bless you. Your loving Mother.

Posted in Messages, Valeria Copponi.