Valeria – Always Strive

“Jesus your Redeemer” to Valeria Copponi on May 10th, 2023:

My daughter, I am your Jesus, and I come to you again to encourage you to go forward, especially with prayer. Without prayer, you will be like sheep without a shepherd. You can see how your lives are becoming more and more difficult. I can only urge you to go forward with prayer.
Your existence on earth will never be the same again. You have forgotten prayer, and with prayer, also the Holy Mass.
How many of My children no longer turn to Me for their needs: perhaps they are using fortune-tellers and make their existence worse in this way. The world was not created by people but by God, He who is the Creator and Lord of heaven and earth.
I beseech you, My children, you who hear My Word, always strive to set a good example. Speak of your Lord Jesus Christ; remember that He allowed Himself to be crucified for your benefit.
I love you and I know your needs well. I am always ready to help you. Please turn to Me in all circumstances, and I will always be ready to help you.
Pray, pray, pray. Come to Me often in the Tabernacles of your churches, and I will not disappoint you. May My blessing always be upon you and your families. Love even your enemies, and I will protect you from their malice.

“Jesus, Crucified and Risen” on May 3rd, 2023:

My daughter, you are in My hands. Always remember that as negative voices are born, so they end. Continue to obey your Creator, and continue to live in peace and love.

These times of yours are like tempests, and this is the stormiest part. These end times are difficult for all of you, but whoever is under My protection should never fear.

Am I not the Son of God? And you, dearly beloved [plural] of my heart, are protected spiritually. Let My children who are furthest from Me and your Father live as they wish, but afterward, they will still have to account to God for all their actions.

My beloved children, continue to live in prayer and obedience to your Father, and at the end of your lives, you will be able to live in joy and gladness where there will be no more mourning and pain.

I love you so much, I am listening to your prayers. Continue to feed on My body and leave fears to those who live far from the light and eternal peace. I love you, My little children. Continue to give witness to the Son of God, and nothing will be able to harm you.

I love you, I am always with you. In times of difficulty, entrust yourselves to Me and to your heavenly Mother, and nothing and no one will be able to harm you.

I bless you. Remain united under My blessing.

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Posted in Messages, Valeria Copponi.