Valeria – Never Have I Been So Close

Our Lady “Your Sorrowful Mother” to Valeria Copponi on October 21st, 2020:

My daughter, it is I, Most Holy Mary of Sorrows. [1]Italian: Maria Santissima Addolorata How can I be happy at this time when my children are suffering incredibly?! Never have I been so close to you as in these times, but for each of you there are great trials to overcome. Pray and do not let yourselves be intimidated by all of this; think that at the end of the tribulations you will have uncontainable joy. Fight this battle as true heroes, as true children of God, and everything will turn out in your favor. We will never abandon you: continue believing in God’s unique love, and walk along the path that He himself will show you moment by moment. You know very well that it will bring you close to Him forever. Who is like God? Be strong, pray and offer up your trials, as precisely your victory over the trials that will bring you to eternal joy.
I never leave you: entrust me with your families, the entire church and the whole world; simply think about doing good and every trial will be easier for you to overcome. The world is being turned upside-down; what is good and beautiful is becoming impossible and unliveable, but I am always with you and I will not allow you to be harmed more than you can bear. Jesus is closer than ever to you in these days; He loves you and it is precisely because of the Passion that He himself suffered that He will not allow you to be harmed beyond what you can face and bear. I am close to you; entrust yourselves to Me with all your heart and you will have the strength that I myself had at the moment of the Crucifixion. I bless you, I love you and I will give you the strength you need.
Your Sorrowful Mother.
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1 Italian: Maria Santissima Addolorata
Posted in Messages, Valeria Copponi.