Valeria – Totally to God

Mary Queen of Peace to Valeria Copponi on November 4th, 2020:

My children, if you have faith in the grace of My Son, you will not have to fear any sickness; do not create pointless tragedies but entrust yourselves totally to God. “Totally”, I repeat, dear children, so that you would be able to live in the serenity of faith. Only by believing in God can you overcome the times in which you are living. Unfortunately, man would like to pass over what your Lord has done for His children, for their lives, for their health,[1]cf.Taking Back God’s Creation for their true needs. I your Mother ask you to entrust your loved ones to Jesus; My Son cannot disappoint those who love Him—please do not believe the words of men but throw yourself into the arms of God; only with His help will you be able to overcome all the evil that Satan is spreading around each one of you. Believe me—only by returning to loving and obeying your God can you live in serenity of spirit. Too many of you think that you are making the right decisions, but often this just means disappointment and wasted time. Far from God and His Word you will be unable to walk on the right path, because the ancient serpent will lead you astray by his cunning without your realizing it. Nourish yourselves with the Body of Christ and you will be saved. With Him you will have nothing to fear, as the devil has already been defeated at the very moment that you are conscious of being victors, enjoying [the status of] being children of the One Triune God. I bless you, may my pure love fill you with serenity.

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