Luz – Pray for Mexico

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on June 12th, 2022:

Beloved People of our King and Lord Jesus Christ: receive the blessing that our King is constantly pouring out upon each one of you. You are loved by our Queen and Mother of the End Times…. You are so beloved that her Divine Son is sending His Angel of Peace to accompany you, to open the way for you and to keep you attentive to the Law of God so that you would not go astray.

Beloved People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, with love, faith and obedience you have heeded my call for seven days of prayer for the good of humanity. It is being forgotten that without prayer the human being is empty. Without prayer with the heart and soul, the creature vacillates when faced with the temptations of evil, being easy prey for the Devil and his machinations.

People of our King and Lord Jesus Christ: fraternity among God’s children is paramount and unity is necessary in the face of the onslaught of evil that wants to destroy and to divide the works of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. People call themselves bearers of “divine gifts” (Mt. 24:11) in order to divide the children of God so that they would stray from the true path. Our King and Lord Jesus Christ calls you to unity. Understand that what is coming is not just a moment of rain or wind, nor of darkness or quaking…. You have failed to digest that what is coming are the fiercest trials and the fiercest assaults that humanity has faced in this generation.

How is it possible to make you understand with your reason and spirit that what is coming stands written!    It is not the end of the world – no! What will you do faced with those moments when you will look at yourselves and see that you rejected the Truth, did not believe it and did not prepare yourselves, neither in the spirit nor concerning what Heaven has indicated to you? Do you think that you have a long time to wait? You are wrong. Do not fall into the clutches of evil at this most crucial of times for humanity!

Famine will spread and with it a shortage of the essentials for humanity. The world’s economy will fall and man will go into chaos in the absence of the money god to which you have entrusted your security. Children of our Queen and Mother of the End Times, the wheat will be separated from the tares and the tares will persecute the wheat (Mt 13:24-38). Do not fear; after the trial, the wheat will rise again with greater strength, it will be enlightened by the love of its King and Lord Jesus Christ.

Remain on spiritual alert! You are seeing the wolves in sheep’s clothing (Mt 7:15) leading the People of God toward the spiritual abyss, and you accept it with such weakness and coldness that you may wake up being part of the tares. The children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ must be spiritual in order not to be deceived. When mourning enters the House of God, you must maintain your spiritual fortitude and not be led astray. That is what the Devil wants – that the sheep would be scattered. Do not allow it. People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: 

Pray, pray in the face of despair, uprisings and persecution.

Pray, pray, People of God, that humanity would heed My Call to prayer.

Pray, People of God, pray for Mexico, its soil will shake forcefully.

Pray, People of God, pray for the conversion of humanity and for all humanity to accept as Mother she who is the Mother of the Word.

Without fear, continue with firm steps and in haste. Continue to hope, not despairing, but trusting in the Trinitarian Will. You are loved, therefore I bring you words of Eternal Life, calling you to conversion. Come! Embark on the true path, the one that leads you to meet our King and Lord Jesus Christ. I protect you, I bless you. Do not fall prey to fear. My heavenly legions keep you protected.


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters: St. Michael the Archangel brings us the divine love of Christ for each one of us. He reminds us of the coming of the Angel of Peace.  He lets us know that we must be spiritually strong in order to discern. There are so many wolves in sheep’s clothing that are intent on confusing the children of God, but St. Michael with his legions will not allow it. Human insecurity and man’s desire to know the unknown can lead some people to fall into what is false.

St. Michael the Archangel tells us that now is the time when the tares will be cut down, and when they are cut down they will persecute the wheat. Corruption is present at all times and bad examples are seen continually.  Therefore, asking for divine help is not something that we should neglect, but should be a necessity for God’s People. Let us be attentive regarding the mourning in the Church about which St. Michael the Archangel is telling us in advance.



Let us continue on this day of prayer within the seven days to which St. Michael has called us. If you have not been able to do the seven days, come today and let us join together in responding for the good of humanity.


Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.