A Great Turning Point in the Fate of Your Nation

Our Lady to An Unlikely Soul on August 4, 1993:

This message is one of many locutions given to a weekly prayer group. Now the messages are being shared with the world:

Beautiful children of God, it is I, your Mother, who speaks with you now. I love you all, and I bring you my Son’s love. We are joyful in your obedience and your trust.

Great storms are building, my children. You see them as surely as you see the sunrise. This wisdom comes not from yourselves but as a gift from the Father. Speak the truth boldly. Defend your faith. Do this with discretion. Trust your conscience to guide you in these matters, and always rest assured that I am near. For my help, all you need do is open your hearts in prayer.

A great turning point in the fate of your nation and its faith in God will soon be upon you, and I ask you all to pray and offer your sufferings in this cause.  

In your personal lives, my children, you must pray for those that will not; you must love for those that cannot; you must have hope for those that will not. I have told you many times to mortify [1]Mortify: to practice ascetic self-discipline; to die to self yourselves, to offer these as gifts to the Father; and I ask you to continue in this manner. But look to the little ones [small mortifications]: holding the tongue when you desire to chastise, small little favors, the sufferings of unjust comments or behavior, giving up a desirable morsel of food, or helping a poor person. These are the little flowers that fill the garden. The beautiful rose bushes full of thorns are supplied well enough by God, my children. Concern yourself with the little flowers, those that collect all the dew and absorb the rain and the sun.

I love you all, and I leave you with my Maternal blessing and offer of support. Good-bye, my children.

This message can be found in the new book: She Who Shows the Way: Heaven’s Messages for Our Turbulent Times

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1 Mortify: to practice ascetic self-discipline; to die to self
Posted in An Unlikely Soul, Messages.