This afternoon Mother appeared in a pink dress and was wrapped in a large blue-green mantle. The same mantle also covered her head. Mother had her hands folded in prayer; in her hands was a long white holy rosary, as if made of light, that went almost down to her feet. Her feet were bare and were placed on the world. It was as if half the world was darkened by an ugly black cloud. Mother slowly slid part of her mantle to cover the world. After it had been covered, it was as if that part had gained light: in fact, the mantle at that point was shining with a great light. May Jesus Christ be praised…
Dear children, today I come to you as the Mediatrix of graces in order to give you all the graces you need. My children, you will have to overcome many trials; the difficulties and sufferings awaiting you will be many, but please accept them as a gift. Children, the way of the cross must not frighten you; please do not be afraid, walk it without fear, walk it with me, stretch out your hands to me and I will not let it weigh upon you. Children, pray for this world that is increasingly gripped by the forces of evil. Pray for my beloved Church, pray for families, increasingly attacked and separated from God. Please children, put God first in your life; do not only turn to Him in times of need, but always do so. Children, please do not let yourselves be caught unprepared: hard times await you and if you are not ready you will not be able to overcome the trials. Strengthen yourselves with the holy sacraments, adore my Son Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, kneel before Him and place everything within His most Sacred Heart.
Then I prayed with Mother, and after praying I entrusted to her every person who had recommended themselves to my prayers. Finally she blessed everyone.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Posted in Messages, Simona and Angela.