Angela – May Your Life be Prayer

Our Lady of Zaro to Angela , April 26, 2020:
This afternoon Mother appeared all dressed in white; the mantle wrapped around her was also white, as if transparent and studded with glitter. The same mantle covered her head as well. Mother had her hands clasped, and in her hands was a long holy rosary of light. On her chest Mother had a heart of flesh surrounded by thorns; her feet were bare and were placed on the world. The world was as if enveloped by a large gray cloud. Mother had a beautiful smile but her eyes were sad. May Jesus Christ be praised!
Dear children, thank you that today you have again responded to this call of mine. Dearly beloved little children, today I am again here to ask you for prayer, prayer for this world that is increasingly gripped and surrounded by evil. My children, be children of light, make your light shine with prayer. May your life be prayer, may your every gesture be prayer. My children, be ready, be strong in faith, times are short and I am preparing my army. Learn to hold the holy rosary tightly in your hands and to trust God in everything you do. Learn to entrust your life into God’s hands. He is the Father and nobody loves you more than He does.
Beloved children, pray much for the Church, my beloved Church, and for the Vicar of Christ. Pray for all my chosen and favored sons*: pray and do not fear—I am by your side and I always protect you. My son, Jesus, sends me among you precisely because He wants everyone to be saved. God is love and wants your salvation.
In this time of trial, stand firm in the faith, continue to form prayer cenacles in your homes and pray in your families. May your houses be small domestic churches. Do not be discouraged.
Then Mother spread her arms and asked me to pray with her. After praying, I commended to her all those who had commended themselves to my prayers. Finally she gave a blessing “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
*i.e. priests. [Translator’s note]
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