Jennifer – The Hour of Change has Come

Our Lord Jesus to Jennifer on December 15th, 2020:

My child, watch and see, for the one whom I have sent to clean house is about to begin sweeping. The great sweeping has begun, and the whole world will witness the great acts of deception against My people. Now go forth and be at peace, for I am Jesus, and My mercy and justice will prevail.

On December 13th, 2020:

My child, I tell you this: what good is one’s life if his faith in himself, and his own intellect is greater than his faith and trust in Me, for I am Jesus? I tell My children: do not give Satan custody of your soul. The means of salvation is through My mercy and seeking to have a heart that is humble. When man has humility of heart, his soul obtains the greatest reward, which is heaven. Behold the hour of change has come. The unraveling of hearts is being revealed and My children need to awaken. It is time to disconnect yourself from the world that is filtering the lies from the great deceiver;[1]cf. On Getting Out of Babylon minds are being infused with great deception.[2]cf. The Strong Delusion and The Diabolical Disorientation I warn you My children, out of great love, to spend your time in prayer and ask for the Holy Spirit to guide you. Seek the counsel of Heaven, rather than the one who is deceiving Earth. Now go forth, repent of your sins, and live the Gospel message, for I am Jesus, and My mercy and justice will prevail.


Posted in Messages.