Luz – Disorder Comes from the Ego

Our Lord Jesus to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on October 12th, 2021:

Dearly beloved children of My Sacred Heart, you remain within My Wounds. I gave you redemption so that at this moment, as individuals, each person would freely decide for good or for evil. Do not blame Me for what is happening to you, but look at yourselves…. What are you bringing upon yourselves as humanity? How are you living? What decisions are you taking? How do you direct your personal morality: what do you accept and not accept personally within your inner self?

Each one of My children loves themselves naturally, but this generation loves itself in totally disordered fashion. Therefore, you are selfish and preach in the name of your ego: the point of reference is your ego; the characteristics and examples that you give before your brothers and sisters have as their point of reference the inner ego that only loves itself. My People: Do you wish to come out of the ignorance that you inflict on yourselves by working and acting according to your individual ego? Be humble: this is lacking in this generation — the humility to accept that although each person is an individual, you do not live alone, but surrounded by other human beings, with whom I have called you to live in fraternity.

Creation groans and feels birth pangs, expecting My People to keep the Faith. Man dominates man to such a high degree that the elite accept the prospect of My children’s self-destruction caused by: abortion, euthanasia, atomic weapons — the most inhuman weapons ever created by the human being… chemical weapons, with which My People will be scourged; and at this time, “innovations” unknown to you — the symbol of human arrogance…

Pray, My People, pray, pray, cold will come to a great part of the Earth, penetrating to the bone, and My children will suffer greatly as a result, not expecting it, and not having the proper preparation to face the frost. [1]cf. A Cold Warning

Pray, My People, pray, pray, the earth will continue to shake strongly: you will be plunged into suffering.

My People, you must prepare yourselves before events of all kinds gather strength and chaos increases. You know full well that human beings act savagely when faced with instability. Humanity will be without communication: technology will be suspended by the decision of human power on Earth. Silence and fear will take hold of those who do not love Me and those who do not agree to repent of their evil deeds.

Remain faithful to Me; receive Me in the Holy Eucharist. Do not travel along paths contrary to the Commandments, to the Sacraments and contrary to Sacred Scripture. This is not the time to interpret My Word according to your personal taste: be faithful to the true Magisterium of My Church. Do not waste this time… You have entered into great suffering.

My people, pray to My Mother the Holy Rosary with special devotion this October 13th, offering Me prayer throughout the day for the following intentions:

-In reparation for the sins of humanity.
-In petition concerning the suffering of humanity because of its sins and due to nature.
-As an offering of expiation by My People to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.

My People, you are protected. Unite fraternally without forgetting that My Celestial Legions commanded by St. Michael the Archangel are guarding you by Divine Will. My People: The moment is the present moment. I protect you, I carry you in My Sacred Heart; do not be afraid, evil goes away before Me. I bless your senses so that they would be more spiritual and less worldly. I bless your hearts so that they would be soft and not cause pain to your brothers and sisters. I bless your hands so that they would do good. I bless your feet so that you would follow in My Footsteps. How I love you, children, how I love you!

Do not fear: I protect you. Your Jesus…

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters; This is a call to individual conscience as children of Our Lord Jesus Christ: a personal invitation to be fraternal and to wish good to all our brothers and sisters. To see ourselves inwardly is a great spiritual good that we do ourselves and that will help us to be better towards our brothers and sisters. This is a serious call, but at the same time the incomparable love of Our Lord gives us the strength to resume or continue our journey with Faith in a better tomorrow.

Brothers and sisters, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, individually or in your prayer groups, let us pray the Holy Rosary offered for the intentions requested by Our Lord and let us remain in prayer this day, beseeching His Mercy in the face of the events of nature.


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1 cf. A Cold Warning
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.