Luz – Evil Approaches

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on August 15th, 2022:

People of our King and Lord Jesus Christ: as prince of the heavenly host and defender of the Mystical Body of Christ, I bring you this true and certain word. This people is blessed to have so exalted a Queen, given and received as a Mother at the foot of the Cross [1]Jn. 19:26. The Church on earth celebrates this Feast of the Assumption of our Queen and Mother with reverence and love. In heaven, the Hail Mary is heard everywhere as a sign of the love that she, as the Queen and Mother of heaven and earth, deserves. She is the Mother of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ and Queen and Mother of humanity, she who is the tabernacle of Her Son on earth and sacred fecundity. Divine design decreed that the sacred body of the Mother of the Word should be assumed into heaven in the hands of the angels, so that the things of earth would not touch her, even at the final moment of her earthly life.

People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, this loving surrender, this constant “yes” to the Father’s will is what human creatures should possess as filial souls of this Most Holy Mother, shining like her, resembling the rays of the sun, emanating light towards their brothers and sisters, eradicating the darkness that is advancing upon humanity as evil approaches, anticipating the arrival of the Antichrist. And with that arrival, you will see conflict in all aspects of human life: a struggle that is mainly a spiritual one, even though those who are the most unbelieving deny it [2]Eph. 6.12.

As the envoy of the Most Holy Trinity, I affirm that this war is spiritual, even if they are masking it under different guises. People of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, evil cannot survive when faced by light, which is why, as we approach the climax of the great purification, the struggle is between good and evil, light against darkness. It is the divine light that will spread over human beings as the divine sun illuminates all creation. This is the light which always triumphs, although unworthy humanity must purify itself before it reaches the fullness of the divine light.

Discern, humanity, as you are faced with those who are scourging your brothers and sisters! Do not be indifferent to the pain of your neighbor. The power that evil has given to some of the powerful who have long since surrendered to its evil tentacles, is tearing the Mystical Body apart, causing it to suffer the betrayal of certain weak members of the Mystical Body of our King and Lord Jesus Christ and causing it to have new martyrs who are solitary but not abandoned by Christ, Head of the Mystical Body.

How many faithful instruments will the Church have at the crucial moment of purification? People of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, children of our Queen and Mother, having planned this time that humanity is experiencing, the Masonic leaders will not rest until they succeed in involving more and more countries in this war; they will leap out before the eyes of humanity.

Pray, people of God, pray for Latin America: weapons are coming, the people will be inflamed.

Pray, people of God, pray: you will continue to be astonished at the power of nature.

Pray, people of God, pray: the shaking of the earth will continue to increase and humanity will suffer.

Pray, people of God, pray: the monument of liberty will fall into the sea.

Children of God, I call you to examine yourselves internally. You must be fraternal – you must not only respect each other’s differences, but be humble in order to forgive one another day after day. Each person must recognize their weaknesses through deep inner work, and by requesting divine assistance, he/she will overcome them if the creature possesses humility.

Pray, pray, receive the Eucharistic food, and humbly enter into what fraternity should be for you.

You are the marching column, children of God – the column that does not stop, but strengthens itself in order to continue without faltering. The people of our Queen and Mother should not fear what has been announced, nor the progression of the fulfillment of the prophecies, but they should fear offending the Most Holy Trinity, should fear falling into disobedience regarding God’s law, should fear rivalries, and should fear offending their brothers and sisters.

Wake up, do not sleep! Offenses are increasing in accord with the increase in the lack of charity toward one’s neighbor, and also due to the advance of evil. Wake up from the lethargy in which you are living! Evil takes advantage of those who are asleep in order to take hold of them and to cause discord among the people of God. Remain attentive to alliances between countries: this is an alert for humanity.

Beloved children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, do not wait for heaven to reveal to you details of what it allows you to know so that you may prepare, as humanity could fall into chaos before the fulfillment of the prophecies arrives. Signs and signals mark the pace of what has been announced.

Be prepared, convert, and remain on alert. You are children of God, and my legions protect you: do not despair. As the ants gather food for the winter, so you should gather for the winter. If you do not have enough for storage, increase your faith and my legions will provide for you by divine order. People of the Sacred Hearts, do not fear and remain firm in the faith. My legions protect you. Receive my blessing.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin 

Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters in faith, in the book of Proverbs, chapter 30 verses 2 to 5, I find God’s Word for us:

Surely I am the most stupid of men, and I have no human understanding.
I have not learned wisdom, nor have I knowledge of the holy one.
Who has ascended to heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in the hollow of the hand? Who has wrapped up the waters in a garment?

Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name or the name of his child? Surely you know! Every word of God is proven true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.

St. Michael the Archangel speaks lovingly to us and describes mystical events around the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary body and soul into heaven. Subsequently, he calls us to see the reality of human cruelty and shows us how, by being children of God and fulfilling what is asked of us, we can become a reflection of God’s love, of charity, of forgiveness, and of so many divine attributes that we ignore, thereby becoming light for our brothers and sisters.

We are living through intense times, and we are spoken to forcefully because we know that God is love; but now this divine love is asking the human race for reparation in order to protect it. Mercy exists if I believe fully in divine mercy, but also in human duty.

St. Michael gives us words to be pondered more deeply; for example, he tells us about the marching column, the point being that if we become scattered due to our personal interests, we become weak as God’s people. He speaks to us about winter: several messages have called us for years now to be prepared for winter weather.

Brothers and sisters, we have been repeatedly called to examine ourselves inwardly so that we would be strengthened in spirit. The war is not what it seems, brothers and sisters; being God’s people, warfare is spiritual from beginning to end and will carry on being spiritual.

Let us pay attention to this: the Antichrist wants his spoils of souls – not of weapons, but of souls. The Antichrist will be defeated and in the end the Immaculate Heart of our Mother will triumph. Let us pay attention, brothers and sisters: conversion is what we are being called to: conversion!


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1 Jn. 19:26
2 Eph. 6.12
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.