Luz – The Changes Have Begun . . .

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on April 22nd, 2022:

Beloved People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: 

You are on your way towards the celebration of Divine Mercy. The people of God must be united. Evangelization is a common cause, a constant putting into practice of fraternal love. You are workers in the vineyard and you should labor in the field entrusted to you, knowing that in the vineyard there is only one Lord and Master. (cf. Jn 15:1-13).

The people of our King and Lord Jesus Christ are called to maintain personal peace and to transmit it to their brothers and sisters. Those who do not have inner peace do not have the wisdom to maintain equanimity in the midst of storms. Be respectful toward one another; pray to Our Queen and Mother of the End Times.

People of God, at this time the devil has infiltrated some human beings with poison, aiming to create disunity among them. Pray that Our Queen and Mother would help you and that you would be bearers of true peace, as “from everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required” (Lk 12:48).

At this time when humanity is seeing on a small scale, I invite you to look with the eye of an eagle at all that is happening. You know full well that those who dominate humanity are maintaining what is favorable to them and undermining the institution of the Church of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, be creatures of peace who work lovingly in the fields of the King, in order that you might not be confused with the tares.

I bless you, people of God. My Heavenly Legions are continually guarding you. 

St. Michael the Archangel 

Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on April 22nd, 2022:

My dearly beloved people:  

I bless you with My Heart, in which mercy overflows for My children. I invite you to work and act for the good. I invite you to give form to My Love so that My mercy may be poured out on My people in abundance.  My mercy stands before each person, wishing to be received by all My own. 

My people, take refuge in My infinite mercy, source of forgiveness and hope for all My children, wellspring of conversion for the repentant, grace that descends from My Holy Spirit to the heart of each one of you so that you would receive My love in the measure that each one of you desires.

Not denying Myself to sinners, I go out to meet them with the abundant balm of My forgiveness so that hope in My mercy may not be held back by human thinking. I go forth to the repentant sinner, to the sinner who grieves over their sins, to the person who feels sorry for having offended Me, to the one who decides to offer Me a firm purpose of amendment. I wait with My infinite patience for sinners who feel hopelessly condemned and unworthy of My mercy that burns with love for these children of Mine. My Mother seeks them, calling them again and again to come to Me. 

I am merciful and the Just Judge at the same time. You need to be aware that My mercy is not a structure upon which My children can stand in sin, distant from Me, justifying themselves deliberately in order to continue sinning. Come to Me, My children: night will soon fall and the darkness will prevent you from distinguishing the true from the false throne and the true staff from the false one. They will lead you like sheep to the slaughter because they have not obeyed Me and have hardened your hearts.

Pray, My children, pray for one another so that all might remain faithful to Me.

Pray, My children, pray for those who refuse to receive My mercy.

Pray, My children, pray for spiritual strength and that you would resist without denying Me.

Pray, My children, that you would draw sheep into My fold and not drive them away.

Pray, My children, that you would recognize Me and not go down wrong paths.

The changes have begun, and yet few mention them. The man consecrated in order to serve Me is not zealous for My affairs and does not warn My Mystical Body of the evil that is undermining it. It is urgent for My children to enter into a responsible spirituality so that they might be aware of the value of being My children and be responsible for the knowledge with which I supply them.

Dearly beloved children, come to Me; repent, accept My Mercy at this time, allow My Holy Spirit to penetrate each one of you and strengthen you; may He nourish you with knowledge and may the Faith remain immovable within you. Events are already upon humanity, and My children are being manipulated so that they would be controlled by those who hold power on Earth.

My people, there are so many sick people before your eyes – yes, spiritually sick, having neither peace nor charity towards their brothers and sisters. So many who are sick due to the human ego, who will only be able to see their errors when they need and seek Me – only then, not before.

My people, I will send a merciful grace for all humanity so that it might be received by My children who so desire it. This grace prior to the Warning will descend from My House; it will be given throughout the earth, and a multitude of My children will feel great pain at their offenses and will beg My forgiveness. Only in this way will some of My children join My true Church and walk toward Me in order to save their souls.

You will go through very difficult moments, My children, but you must not forget that “I Am who I Am” (Ex 3:14) and that My infinite mercy remains upon every human being. I never abandon you: you are My children, and “I am your God.” 

In the face of great pains, you will receive much goodness from My House and the great grace for all humanity from which you will emerge strengthened in the faith.

My people, I love you. 

Your Merciful Jesus

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters in the Faith: 

St. Michael the Archangel comes forward so that we would understand that without love we are nothing and that in order to be fraternal we must have charity so as to bring our brothers and sisters closer together and not alienate them from the Divine Love to which we aspire as members of God’s People.

St. Michael calls us to look with the eye of an eagle because eagles see everything from the heights in order not to be confused by the weeds. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ exhorts us to conversion, telling us: NOW!  He invites us to keep our faith robust and to be worthily prepared through the Eucharistic Food so that we would be guided by the Holy Spirit and take the safe path, not the wrong ones.  

Divine Mercy reveals to us one more great blessing before the Warning, other than the Cross in the sky. This is one more opportunity for us to choose repentance when He will show us the rays of His Divine Mercy descending from Heaven to Earth, being a manifestation of the Divine Power so that we would bend our knees and so that more souls would be saved in the light of such a great demonstration of Divine Love.

Brothers and sisters, I share with you that Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared looking radiant. I saw many human beings on Earth who looked very small and bowed down somewhat by the weight of sin, but the light emanating from Divine Mercy made them look up, and I saw many human creatures crying out for forgiveness of their sins. Our Lord smiled, and stretching out His blessed Hand before the repentant sinners, I saw them bend their knees and then stand up, and they were no longer bowed down – a sign that they had been forgiven by Divine Mercy.

Brothers and sisters, this unfathomable mercy stands open in order to forgive… Let us draw near: it is not too late. 



My Mercy elevates man: it revives the one who lies in agony and gives hope to the one who is lost. I am freedom, love, patience: I am justice.



Do not collapse faced with those who wish to decree the destiny of humanity: it is only My Son with His Love, with His mercy and with His justice, who will dictate the time of times. Amen.

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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages, The Return of Satan's Influence.