Scripture – Our Times, the End Times?

Mark Mallett


Someone mentioned my writings to her husband not long ago. And he replied, “Oh, isn’t that the guy who writes about the end times?” I had to laugh. On the contrary, what I have been writing about for sixteen years is our times. The fact that they appear to resemble the “end times” was not my idea but that of the last century’s popes:[1]cf. Why Aren’t the Popes Shouting?

There is a great uneasiness at this time in the world and in the Church, and that which is in question is the faith. It so happens now that I repeat to myself the obscure phrase of Jesus in the Gospel of St. Luke: ‘When the Son of Man returns, will He still find faith on the earth?’…I sometimes read the Gospel passage of the end times and I attest that, at this time, some signs of this end are emerging. —POPE SAINT PAUL VI, The Secret Paul VI, Jean Guitton, p. 152-153, Reference (7), p. ix.

…he who resists the truth through malice and turns away from it, sins most grievously against the Holy Ghost. In our days this sin has become so frequent that those dark times seem to have come which were foretold by St. Paul, in which men, blinded by the just judgment of God, should take falsehood for truth, and should believe in “the prince of this world,” who is a liar and the father thereof, as a teacher of truth: “God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying (2 Thess. ii., 10). In the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error and the doctrines of devils” (1 Tim. iv., 1). —POPE LEO XIII, Divinum Illud Munus, n. 10

…there may be already in the world the “Son of Perdition” of whom the Apostle speaks. —POPE ST. PIUS X, E Supremi, Encyclical On the Restoration of All Things in Christ, n. 3, 5; October 4th, 1903

Of course, the very reason my apostolate morphed from a singer/songwriter into an apostolate of “watching and praying” was because St. John Paul II himself called the youth to what he called a “stupendous task”:[2]Novo Millennio Inuente, n.9

Dear young people, it is up to you to be the watchmen of the morning who announce the coming of the sun who is the Risen Christ! —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Message of the Holy Father to the Youth of the World, XVII World Youth Day, n. 3; (cf. Is 21:11-12)

It would not be stupendous if it was not precisely what John Paul II said it was: to herald the coming of Jesus: “to become “morning watchmen” at the dawn of the new millennium,”[3]Novo Millennio Inuente, n.9 to announce “a new dawn of hope, brotherhood and peace.”[4]Address to the Guanelli Youth Movement, April 20th, 2002, In a kind of “report” back to Rome, I wrote this letter to the Pope: Dear Holy Father… He is Coming!

But to announce the coming of Christ is to also announce all that precedes it, including, according to Sacred Tradition, the appearance of the Antichrist,[5]“…that Antichrist is one individual man, not a power—not a mere ethical spirit, or a political system, not a dynasty, or succession of rulers—was the universal tradition of the early Church.” —St. John Henry Newman, “The Times of Antichrist”, Lecture 1 a global economic system through only which one will be able to “buy and sell”,[6]Rev 13:17 and accompanying tribulations. Again, that this may refer to our times was not my idea, but that of Pope St. Pius X who thought the Antichrist “may already be in the world”, as well as John Paul II in that famous address at the Philadelphia Eucharistic Congress in 1976. Deacon Ken Fournier was in attendance and heard the words exactly as follows:

We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through… We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel, of Christ versus the anti-Christ… It is a trial… of 2,000 years of culture and Christian civilization, with all of its consequences for human dignity, individual rights, human rights and the rights of nations. —Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (JOHN PAUL II ), at the Eucharistic Congress, Philadelphia, PA; August 13, 1976; cf. Catholic Online

Pope Francis even recommended twice that the faithful read a book on the Antichrist, Lord of the World, as a parallel to our times.[7]cf. Pope Francis On John Paul II would later frame the Book of Revelation and the battle between the “woman” and the “dragon” as a contest, ultimately, between the “culture of life” versus the “culture of death”: 

This struggle parallels the apocalyptic combat described in [Rev 11:19-12:1-6, 10 on the battle between” the woman clothed with the sun” and the “dragon”]. Death battles against Life: a “culture of death” seeks to impose itself on our desire to live, and live to the full… Vast sectors of society are confused about what is right and what is wrong, and are at the mercy of those with the power to “create” opinion and impose it on others.  —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Cherry Creek State Park Homily, Denver, Colorado, 1993

Who could argue that these are not astonishly accurate prophecies being fulfilled at this very hour? For an “anonymous power” with “anonymous financial interests,” as Pope Benedict XVI called it, are turning men “into slaves, which are no longer human things, but are an anonymous power which men serve, by which men are tormented and even slaughtered.”[8]cf. The Tolls; POPE BENEDICT XVI, Reflection after the reading of the office for the Third Hour this morning in the Synod Aula, Vatican City, October 11, 2010 Clearly, “human dignity, individual rights, human rights and the rights of nations” are now being trampled upon with astonishing speed, cordination, and force as the conditions for freedom for the entire planet now hinge upon their “vaccine status.”[9]“…your merchants were the great men of the earth, all nations were led astray by your sorcery.” (Rev 18:23; NAB version says “magic potion”) The Greek word for “sorcery” or “magic potions” is φαρμακείᾳ (pharmakeia) — “the use of medicine, drugs or spells” — from which we derive the word pharmaceuticals.

In today’s first Mass reading, the prophet Daniel saw in his vision a final “beast” that would arise over the earth at the “end time” (Dan 12:4). It was a terrifying spectre, a kingdom unlike any other:

The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth different from all the others; It shall devour the whole earth, beat it down, and crush it. The ten horns shall be ten kings rising out of that kingdom; another shall rise up after them, different from those before him, who shall lay low three kings. He shall speak against the Most High and oppress the holy ones of the Most High, thinking to change the feast days and the law…Today’s first Mass reading

Today, we see how it is foremost the natural law that is being changed before our eyes: the definition of personhood, of marriage, of gender, etc.. [10]cf. The Hour of Lawlessness Even the laws of science have been redefined in this past year.[11]cf. The Case Against Gates Of this beast, St. John the Apostle would later write:

Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it? (Rev 13:4)

Indeed, who is defending the millions of workers around the world being fired and dismissed from their jobs by the hour for refusing to become part of this dangerous medical experiment?[12]cf. The Tolls Who is defending the unborn whose murdered bodies were used to develop these injections?[13] Who is standing in the way of this global beast that, without our even voting on it, is intent upon a “Global Reset”?[14]cf. Isaiah’s Prophecy of Global Communism and The Great Reset The bishops?[15]cf. Francis, and the Great Shipwreck; cf. Brace for Impact Someone said to me over dinner last night, “Who is on our side? I don’t even recognize my Church anymore. We have been abandoned.” As such, we read in Daniel’s vision that the Antichrist, this “horn” that springs up, successfully carries out the “passion of the Church”:

I watched, that horn made war against the holy ones and was victorious until the Ancient One arrived; judgment was pronounced in favor of the holy ones of the Most High, and the time came when the holy ones possessed the kingdom.Today’s first Mass reading

…and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months; it opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is, those who dwell in heaven. Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. (Rev 13:5-6)

It will be like a Storm. 

It will come like a whirlwind, to shake everything; it will reign as long as a whirlwind does, and it will end just as a whirlwind ends. —Jesus to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, December 18, 1920, Volume 12

And then what? As we read in Daniel, “the time came when the holy ones possessed the kingdom.” Of course, this is what we have been praying for the past 2000 years: “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Simply put:

The generations will not end until My Will reigns upon earth. —Jesus to Luisa Piccarreta, Volume 12, February 22nd, 1991

Hence, the Passion of the Church under the Antichrist is not the end but rather leading to The Resurrection of the Church, a “new dawn.” It is a purification of the Bride of Christ, preparing her so that Christ can reign in her as a true King — a King in the Kingdom of His Divine Will. This is the foremost task of the Blessed Mother, that “woman clothed with the sun”:

My Heavenly Mother will be a mother and a Queen to you; she knows the great good that the Kingdom of My Will shall bring about in you. In order to satisfy My ardent sighs and put an end to my weeping, she will love you as her true children by traveling to people throughout the world to dispose and prepare them to receive the dominion of the Kingdom of My Will. She was the one who prepared mankind for Me so that I could descend from heaven to earth. And now I am entrusting to her – to her maternal love – the task of disposing souls to receive such a great gift. —Jesus to Luisa Piccarreta, Divine Will Prayer Book, p. 4; see also The Gift

Hence, Jesus says in the Gospel this week, “when you see these things happening, know that the Kingdom of God is near.”[16]November 26th, 2021; Gospel And again, “when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.”[17]November 25th, 2021; Gospel Of course, the Lord warns us in today’s Gospel not to become drowsy and to “be vigilant at all times.”[18]cf. He Calls While We Slumber But clearly, the Word of God, and the popes who are the guarantors of its interpretation, are clear: there is a new dawn coming after this time of tribulation.[19]cf. The Popes and the Dawning Era

After purification through trial and suffering, the dawn of a new era is about to break. —POPE ST. JOHN PAUL II, General Audience, September 10, 2003

God himself had provided to bring about that “new and divine” holiness with which the Holy Spirit wishes to enrich Christians at the dawn of the third millennium, in order to “make Christ the heart of the world.” —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Address to the Rogationist Fathers, n. 6,; cf. The Coming New and Divine Holiness

This Advent, then, is not the time to despair, but to prepare; the moment to clear our hearts of everything and anything that is not in the Divine Will by Simple Obedience so that, when Jesus comes, He will find a Kingdom in our hearts fit for a King.


—Mark Mallett is the author of The Final Confrontation and The Now Word, and a cofounder of Countdown to the Kingdom


Is it the End?

A skeptic plays devil’s advocate in this new interview with Mark Mallett:

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1 cf. Why Aren’t the Popes Shouting?
2, 3 Novo Millennio Inuente, n.9
4 Address to the Guanelli Youth Movement, April 20th, 2002,
5 “…that Antichrist is one individual man, not a power—not a mere ethical spirit, or a political system, not a dynasty, or succession of rulers—was the universal tradition of the early Church.” —St. John Henry Newman, “The Times of Antichrist”, Lecture 1
6 Rev 13:17
7 cf. Pope Francis On
8 cf. The Tolls; POPE BENEDICT XVI, Reflection after the reading of the office for the Third Hour this morning in the Synod Aula, Vatican City, October 11, 2010
9 “…your merchants were the great men of the earth, all nations were led astray by your sorcery.” (Rev 18:23; NAB version says “magic potion”) The Greek word for “sorcery” or “magic potions” is φαρμακείᾳ (pharmakeia) — “the use of medicine, drugs or spells” — from which we derive the word pharmaceuticals.
10 cf. The Hour of Lawlessness
11 cf. The Case Against Gates
12 cf. The Tolls
14 cf. Isaiah’s Prophecy of Global Communism and The Great Reset
15 cf. Francis, and the Great Shipwreck; cf. Brace for Impact
16 November 26th, 2021; Gospel
17 November 25th, 2021; Gospel
18 cf. He Calls While We Slumber
19 cf. The Popes and the Dawning Era
Posted in From Our Contributors, Messages, Scripture.