Simona & Angela – Pray for the Pope

Our Lady of Zaro to Angela on September 26, 2020:

This afternoon Mother appeared all dressed in white; the mantle wrapped around her was huge and very light blue in color. The same mantle also covered her head, on which was a crown of twelve stars. Mother had her arms open as a sign of welcome. In her right hand was a long, white holy rosary, as if made out of light, which went down almost to her feet that were bare and rested on the world, on which scenes of violence could be seen. Mother slowly slid her mantle over the world.
May Jesus Christ be praised.
Dear children, thank you that today you are again here in my blessed woods. Children, I love you, I love you immensely, and if I am here it is because I want to save you all. My children, hard times await you, dark and painful times, but do not fear. Hold out your hands to me and I will take you and lead you on the right path. Do not harden your hearts: open your hearts to me. My heart is open; look, daughter…
At this point, Mother showed me her heart crowned with thorns and told me:
My heart is pierced with pain by all those children whom I invite to follow me, but who, alas, turn their backs on me. Enter into my heart!
I began to hear Mother’s heart starting to beat loudly — louder and louder.

My children, my heart beats for each one of you, it beats for everyone. Little children, today I again invite you to pray for the Church — not only for the universal church, but also for your local church. Pray, my children, pray. Children, if I am still here it is by the infinite mercy of God: every month[1]Translator’s note: this is presumably addressed to the pilgrims in attendance in Zaro di Ischia on the 8th and 26th of each month. you experience a moment of grace, which you do not always receive with joy. My children, please continue to form prayer Cenacles: again I invite you to pray the Holy Rosary in your homes. Please, children, perfume your homes with prayer.

Then Mother passed among the pilgrims and gave her blessing.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady of Zaro to Simona on September 26, 2020:

I saw Mother: she was dressed in a white garment and had a golden belt around her waist, a delicate white veil and the crown of twelve stars on her head. On her shoulders was a blue mantle that went down to her feet, on which she was wearing a simple pair of leather sandals. Mother’s feet were resting on the world. Mother had her arms open as a sign of welcome.
May Jesus Christ be praised.
My dear children, seeing you here in my blessed woods on this day dear to me fills my heart with joy. My children, I have come to you through the immense love of the Father. Children, if only you understood how great the Father’s love is for each one of you. My children, I am always close to you, I accompany you in every moment of your life; I love you, children. Pray, my children, pray. Children, I ask you once again for prayers for my beloved Church.
As she was saying this, Mother’s face became sad and a tear ran down her face.
Pray, children, so that she [the Church] would not not be overwhelmed by the evil that is already spreading within her. Pray for my beloved and chosen sons [priests], pray for the Holy Father, Vicar of Christ. Grave decisions depend on him: pray that the Holy Spirit would fill him with every grace and blessing. Pray, my children that the good would occupy an ever greater place for this humanity, for this civilization that is so caught up in consumerism, in appearing rather than being, in wanting rather than giving, that is increasingly full of its own ego and ever further away from God. I love you, my children, I am beside you; pray, children, pray. Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for having hastened to me.



1 Translator’s note: this is presumably addressed to the pilgrims in attendance in Zaro di Ischia on the 8th and 26th of each month.
Posted in Messages, Simona and Angela.