I saw Mother; she was all dressed in white, on her head was a thin white veil and the crown of twelve stars; on her shoulders was a very large blue mantle. Mother’s feet were bare and rested on the world, around which the serpent was coiled. Mother was crushing his head with her right foot. Mother had her arms open in a sign of welcome and in her right hand was a long Holy Rosary, as if made out of drops of ice. May Jesus Christ be praised.
My dear children, I thank you that you have responded to this call of mine: I love you, children. My children, this time of advent is a time of great graces; prepare yourselves, my children, for the birth of my Son. Prepare to welcome him, let Him be born in your hearts, wrap Him with your love, rock Him with your prayers, nourish Him with your affection; love Him, children, love Him. May your homes, my children, be perfumed with prayer. Children, prayer is a sweet balm that heals every wound; be flames of love that burn for the Lord, let Him be born in your hearts so that He might fill you with all graces and blessings. My children, learn to love as He loves, be ready to give your life as He gave His for you; see yourselves in the eyes of your brothers and sisters, recognize the face of my Son in the faces of the sick and the suffering; do to others what you would have them do to you. Love, beloved children, take care of one another. My children, I love you and I cover you all with my mantle. Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for having hastened to me.
Posted in Messages, Pedro Regis.