Valeria – Do You Believe in My Apparitions?

“The Queen of Peace” to Valeria Copponi on October 13th, 2021″ 

My dearly beloved little children, I ask you: do you believe in my apparitions on your earth? In these last times I still come to you in order to teach you the love and glory of God. If my Son together with the Father allows me to come to you, it is because you absolutely need it. Do you not understand that the more you turn away from the love of God, the more the evil one takes hold of your hearts? I am “the Mother” and I will be close to you until the last day [of your lives], and I will sustain you during the final temptation of the evil one.

I have appeared throughout the world; I have given each one of you the possibility to listen to my advice, but only a small number of you have listened to me and put my motherly advice into practice. Dear children, I implore you to approach the altar often and to nourish yourselves with the Body and Blood of Jesus, for only with these conditions will you be able to acquire the strength that is essential for overcoming the evil one. I am here in your midst; I beg you to pray, to offer up sacrifices, to do penance and often ask Jesus to forgive you all your faults. But do you not realize that without our help [1]A reference to Our Lady along with the Holy Trinity and even the Communion of Saints interceding for us. you are losing all your strength? At this time, the Devil is ravaging my children who are the weakest in temptation. Be strong: only by nourishing yourselves with the Body and Blood of Jesus will you be victorious. I am with you in the same way that I showed myself to the little shepherds [in Fatima], pure and humble of heart. I love you: listen to me — the time is pressing. I greet each one of you with a great embrace; I love and protect you.

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1 A reference to Our Lady along with the Holy Trinity and even the Communion of Saints interceding for us.
Posted in Messages, Valeria Copponi.