Luz – Invoke Me Day and Night

Our Lord Jesus to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on October 24th, 2021:

My Beloved People: I uphold you with the word from My House in order to warn you, not to frighten you. Invoke Me day and night [1]In the message of 16.06.2010, Our Lord Jesus Christ invites us to invoke Him in this way: ‘Beloved children: at all times during the day, call upon me saying: “Jesus Christ, save me! Jesus Christ, save me! Jesus Christ, save me!” In every moment of temptation, in every moment of dryness, in every moment of worry, in every moment in which you feel far from Me: “Jesus Christ, Save Me!”‘, in season and out of season, doing the same with My Blessed Mother and the Heavenly Choirs. Call upon St. Michael the Archangel and the Celestial Legions to protect you and continue to be faithful.
This is the right time for you to repent and to be creatures of faith before the events appear in front of humanity. My People, I love you and I call you to convert as soon as possible. Save your souls: turn away from evil, do not participate in paganism, do not participate in sacrilegious acts, because in the end they are profanations of that which represents Me. At this moment so much that is anathema [2]Anathema: term of Greek origin meaning expulsion, to leave outside. In the New Testament biblical sense it is equivalent to the excommunication of a person from the community of Faith to which they belong. is invading My House. (Gal 1:8; I Cor 12:3).
Grow spiritually; do not wish your neighbor ill or participate when your brother is being insulted. I forbid you to participate in persecutions against your brothers and sisters. My children, be fraternal; respect the belongings of your fellow men, without taking part in the vandalism that will arise. I do not wish to frighten you, but to warn you. Spiritual preparation comes first, then prepare yourselves with food, according to what each of you possesses within your means. I will multiply what My children possess, as long as what you acquire is really what your possibilities allow. [3]Perhaps a reference to avoid hoarding and burdening oneself beyond his or her means. The call to physical preparation is a matter of prudence, given all that is taking place in the world. Trust, not a spirit of survivalism, is what the Body of Christ is called to embody. [Editor’s note] My dearly beloved People, do not wait for tomorrow, prepare now! Keep a clean soul and blessed candles, as well as Blessed Grapes [4]cf. Blessed Grapes for Time of Famine and winter clothing. Have reserves of water, an essential element for life. My children, reflect deeply on My words, lest you overlook what My words are telling you. Convert, so that what you will face would be more bearable and so that in the midst of shortages you would maintain faith and hope.

My beloved People, My Church is heading towards total schism: [5]Luz on the Schism in the Church… be prayerful souls. Humanity has been surrendered to the power of evil. 
Pray, children, pray with your heart, receive Me in the Holy Eucharist, in adoration and in the awareness that I am your God.
Pray, My children, pray, offer up, fast as each body allows so that you may discern the mark of the Beast and not be confused.
Pray, My children, pray for Turkey, it will fall in battle.
Pray, My children, pray, those who pray keep My People standing.
Pray, My children, the Faith is undermined and therefore the destroyers of the Faith are taking courage against My Church, and yet My children are silent.
My Envoy [6]Explanation concerning God’s Envoy… will arrive after the appearance of the Antichrist and My children will recognize him. Pray, My children, convert now! The moment is on the horizon. I love you with My Most Sacred Heart. You are not alone: you are My People.
I bless you. Your Jesus…

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters: Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ has sent me to urge my brothers and sisters to make reserves of food, medicines that they use daily, water and the medicines that Heaven has given us.[7]cf. Medicinal Plants We find ourselves looking towards the horizon of our lives, and in doing so, we are seeing how those who are against humanity are approaching. Our Lord tells us this so that we would understand how the events that He has been revealing to us since 2009[8]ie. in Luz’s writings since then. are being fulfilled before our eyes.
What is different about this moment is that the times have already accelerated as Heaven forewarned us they would.
“He who has ears, let him hear.” (Mt. 13:9) Amen.



1 In the message of 16.06.2010, Our Lord Jesus Christ invites us to invoke Him in this way: ‘Beloved children: at all times during the day, call upon me saying: “Jesus Christ, save me! Jesus Christ, save me! Jesus Christ, save me!” In every moment of temptation, in every moment of dryness, in every moment of worry, in every moment in which you feel far from Me: “Jesus Christ, Save Me!”‘
2 Anathema: term of Greek origin meaning expulsion, to leave outside. In the New Testament biblical sense it is equivalent to the excommunication of a person from the community of Faith to which they belong.
3 Perhaps a reference to avoid hoarding and burdening oneself beyond his or her means. The call to physical preparation is a matter of prudence, given all that is taking place in the world. Trust, not a spirit of survivalism, is what the Body of Christ is called to embody. [Editor’s note]
4 cf. Blessed Grapes for Time of Famine
5 Luz on the Schism in the Church…
6 Explanation concerning God’s Envoy…
7 cf. Medicinal Plants
8 ie. in Luz’s writings since then.
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.