Valeria – Enter My Catholic Church

“Jesus, suffering but victorious” to Valeria Copponi on March 31st, 2021:

My little children, you need My powerful blessing. I, Jesus the Christ, bless you in the name of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Peace be with you all, with your families and all My children who follow My Word. My children, how many Judases there are on your earth; I suffer infinitely, therefore I need you, your offerings, your prayers coming from the heart. Yet, how is it possible not to understand that Easter is truly near? You are leading me to the Cross and I am suffering immensely. I love you, dear children: pray for all my unbelieving children so that I might give them time for conversion and so that they might ask forgiveness for all their sins. The Via Crucis is becoming longer and more painful for Me every day; hell is taking more sinners every day, [who are] crying out at the pains that they are starting to undergo. Little children, act so that many children [i.e. people] might repent in these last times and ask you and many Christians to enter into your and My Catholic Church — apostolic and Roman. There is only one Faith, the one that follows My precepts. I ask you to bring many of My distant children to My Church. Satan is gaining too many victims, all obeying his false promises. My poor children, time is passing quickly: do not waste it on false promises and false worshipers. Riches always lead far away from humility, charity, and still less do they lead to My holy obedience. I love you; may you always be under my protection.


Related Reading

On who has the authority to interpret Scripture: The Fundamental Problem

On the deposit of faith entrusted to the Catholic Church: The Unfolding Splendour of Truth

On the rock of Peter upon which the Church is built: The Chair of Rock

On trusting in Jesus that He is a wise builder: Jesus, the Wise Builder

Read Pope Francis On… his magisterial teachings on nearly every facet of Catholic teaching.

The Papacy is Not One Pope

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Posted in Messages, Valeria Copponi.