Valeria – I Tell You Again to Be Chaste

“Mary Most Pure” to Valeria Copponi on August 25th, 2021:

I say to you: I your most chaste Mother wish to see true chastity in each of you as well. Chastity means purity, therefore I wish to see purity in each one of you: purity of the body and above all of the spirit. Be simple as doves; above all, may lies never appear in your mouths. My saying this may sound strange to you, but remember that falsehood is the mother of all sin. I therefore tell you again to be chaste, starting with your mouths and finishing with purity of the spirit. Your body needs to live in purity, but also dominates your logic; it is the spiritual part of you that brings you the most joy and sometimes [holy][1]* implied. Translator’s note. resignation in the vicissitudes of life. I advise you to be chaste: above all, obey the commandments that My Son has given for your salvation. I see that when your spirit is living in serenity your body also profits from it. My dearly beloved little children, how you enjoy your homes in this world when they are clean and ordered; similarly, allow your spirit to profit by giving it purity and chastity. I ask you to follow my example; my spirit rejoices because the Son of God could inhabit my chaste body. Be pure and you will see the glory of God. I suggest that, if you have not yet profited from spiritual purity, to begin today; I will be near to each one of you in order to help you and to rejoice in this great virtue. I bless you and protect you from every sin against chastity.
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1 * implied. Translator’s note.
Posted in Messages, Valeria Copponi.