Valeria – Look Ahead

Our Lady ‘Mary, the Woman of  “Yes”‘ to Valeria Copponi on October 7th, 2020:

Today let us sing praise to God because he has done great things for all His children. Little children, as a humble handmaiden, I answered him with my “Yes”. He used the smallest of His creatures to bring His most beloved Son to you. Your Lord Jesus Christ loved me as only He knows how: sincerely, totally, with a love that will never be limited. He was capable of offering His young life for all of you. I suffered with Him because of this sacrifice, but like Him, I still offer myself to the Father for each of you. The love of a mother cannot be measured, always being ready to give her life.
Children, follow my example: you have a Father who gave you life out of His great love—but seek to merit eternal life. What you are experiencing is nothing compared to that eternity. [1]Romans 8:18: “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us.” My children, I want you all with Me; this is why I am coming to you. With my presence among you I want to encourage you, especially now in these dark times in which you are living. Look ahead: do not be afraid, since no one will ever be able to take eternal life away from you. Offer your sacrifices so that even my most distant children might draw near to God’s love. I ask you to love as I love you; convince those who are furthest from the Eternal Father by your good example. I am here and I bless you on the day [2]October 7th is the commemoration of Our Lady of the Rosary. Translator’s note. that you have dedicated to me; I love you, little children, and I will never tire of encouraging you in the dark times you are experiencing.
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1 Romans 8:18: “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us.”
2 October 7th is the commemoration of Our Lady of the Rosary. Translator’s note.
Posted in Messages, Valeria Copponi.