Valeria – On Obedience to God’s Laws

“Your Most Holy Mother” to Valeria Copponi on October 6th, 2021:

My little children, you know about all worldly things — you study over many years everything around you: light, darkness, what is good and less good. You think that you know about everything that surrounds you, and you no longer respect God’s laws. Not so, my children, not so: entrust yourselves to Him who created all things from nothing and ask Him to be your good teacher, given that He knows well what came from His own hands.

You no longer know what the word “respect” means, and thus what you touch with your clumsy hands will not give you what you expect and ask for in the name of “studies” done with your poor heads and brains. Be more obedient to God’s laws: only then will what you ask for be given to you. I am waiting for your requests in order to present them to My Son, but you no longer know how to say the prayers for obtaining what you want. Pause for a moment; reflect on what you have destroyed with your own hands; ask forgiveness for still not being able to love your earth. Remember that only with love and respect for everything around you will you manage to recover that little goodness that you have not managed to destroy.

My children, say mea culpa [1]“my fault” from the depths of your hearts, and Jesus will forgive your faults. I bless you and will continue to protect you as long as you allow me to do so. I love you.


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The Religion of Scientism

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1 “my fault”
Posted in Messages, Valeria Copponi.