My dearly beloved little children, thanks to you, my prayer Cenacle burns with love. You give me that joy which so many of my children are no longer capable of giving me.
So many of you wonder what will happen next… but then do not manage to take a decisive step towards God. You are still unable to understand that everything that you are experiencing comes from Satan, precisely because so many children [people] who have gone away from God are giving Satan all the evil strength that he then turns back against them. Children of my love, you who understand what I am saying, testify that it is only with the strength that comes from God that you can bring love and truth to your earth. You are going further and further away from Him who gave you life; if you do not go back to nourishing yourselves with the “true Life”, how will you be able to continue doing everything that you need to do?
My little children, I know that I can count on you — continue to pray in the silence of the night as some of you are doing; only by offering up prayers and sacrifices can you recover for yourselves the freedom that your Father gave you from the beginning. My sons and daughters, I ask you to testify with your lives that it is only in obeying the Father that you can save many lives from the wickedness of Satan. Cunning is of no use: be humble — only with patience and great love towards the weakest can you bring back a little hope to those who have lost their faith.
I am near to you: make it possible for me to help you recover what you have lost. Take courage, I say to you: you can still get up from this most painful of falls. Your Mother blesses and thanks you.
Posted in Messages, Valeria Copponi.