Valeria – The World Deserves Punishment

“Victorious Jesus” to Valeria Copponi on July 7th, 2021:

My daughter, it is I, Jesus, the Victorious One; let man not dare to destroy what I and My Father have given to the whole world with such love. I consider the things that I have given you to be precious. I allow what I have created from nothing to be discovered; but let man not discard or demolish things and people as he pleases. You have begun to destroy instead of building, and this will soon lead you to your eternal end.

My children, you who are my little remnant, continue with your prayers, especially for your brothers and sisters who are offending God without even knowing Him. Pray for all sinners that they would allow me to enter into their hearts so that they might be healed of the world’s evil. Pray for children who only receive bad examples, often from their parents. Pray for young people, in whose heads only bad thoughts are circulating, and who use their bodies to commit acts of impurity. My little children, you deserve unbearable punishment, but I will certainly not be the one to inflict it on you: you are destroying yourselves with your own hands. My children, give testimony; demonstrate with your actions that you are truly children of a loving, merciful God. I am near to you and I lead you; do not take the wrong road at this time of hard testing, otherwise it could be too late for a complete conversion. I love you, and My Mother guides you as only She knows how and can do.

I bless you in the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

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Posted in Messages, Valeria Copponi.