Eduardo – Pray, Your Priests are in Danger

Our Lady to Eduardo Ferreira in São José dos Pinhais, Brazil on January 13th, 2021:

Peace! This morning, I call on you to pray for Brazil. This nation too has offended the heart of My Divine Son Jesus with its sins and disobedience to God’s Word. The time you have left for conversion is running out. Take care. Pray also for my favored sons the Priests. Many of them are still in danger. I am here to call you to holiness. Greed and lust have separated many Priests from the way of God. Pray for your Parish priests, my children. The devil is increasingly trying to set some against others, even in disobedience towards the Church, criticizing the highest person in the Church, the Pope.[1]“Christ’s faithful are at liberty to make known their needs, especially their spiritual needs, and their wishes to the Pastors of the Church. They have the right, indeed at times the duty, in keeping with their knowledge, competence and position, to manifest to the sacred Pastors their views on matters which concern the good of the Church. They have the right also to make their views known to others of Christ’s faithful, but in doing so they must always respect the integrity of faith and morals, show due reverence to their Pastors, and take into account both the common good and dignity of individuals.” —Code of Canon Law, 212

My children, do not tire of praying. Pray as families. This is the time to pray in unity. I also ask you to take care of nature. Every day, God has presented you with air and water. Take care of water. Do not pollute springs. Come and drink the water that I have blessed here in this Sanctuary. I ask you today for Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance. Pray also for Seminarians and Religious. I am the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.



1 “Christ’s faithful are at liberty to make known their needs, especially their spiritual needs, and their wishes to the Pastors of the Church. They have the right, indeed at times the duty, in keeping with their knowledge, competence and position, to manifest to the sacred Pastors their views on matters which concern the good of the Church. They have the right also to make their views known to others of Christ’s faithful, but in doing so they must always respect the integrity of faith and morals, show due reverence to their Pastors, and take into account both the common good and dignity of individuals.” —Code of Canon Law, 212
Posted in Eduardo Ferreira, Messages, Other Souls.