Luz – You Are Being Led Like Sheep to The Slaughter…

Message of The Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on November 2, 2023:

Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart, my blessing constantly remains upon you. I call you to consecrate yourselves to the Holy Spirit [1]Downloadable booklet about the Holy Spirit: and to remain in a state of grace so that you do not sadden Him (Jn. 14:16-18; I Cor. 3:16; Eph. 4:30). Keep the love of my divine Son latent within you by being compassionate and merciful.

Dear children, my word received with gratitude enlightens your way. At this very moment, this Mother issues this urgent call to all humanity, imploring you to be aware of what is approaching for humanity in general. You are being led like sheep to the slaughter and you find yourselves in this moment of pain; fear can lead you to lose the faith, which is what the enemy of the soul wants. Not opening one’s eyes and seeing what is happening in the world is the fruit of human stubbornnes. Suffering has been prescribed*, and humanity does not want to stop it, continuing to be one more participant in the world’s great scenario of pain, betrayal and threats that have ended in more war. [* Literally, “suffering has been written”, or “scripted”. Translator’s note.]

Beloved children, pray, prepare yourselves: darkness dwells in the minds of human beings, from where it is transferred to the earth itself.  Beloved children, pray: humanity is going to live in the midst of threats from terrorist groups that want to conquer the world. Beloved children, pray, I call you to prayer with a “contrite and humbled heart,” being aware that you are making reparation for what is happening at this moment. For this reason, prayer must become deeper and must be active, leading you to give yourselves as a testimony to your brothers and sisters, sharing bread with the hungry and being a light on the path of so many who are in need.

Little children, be souls who pray [2]Downloadable prayer book: in all your everyday actions and works; be great workers in the great vineyard of my divine Son, in which there are no great individuals who stand out, nor great critics of their brothers and sisters, but only great heroes in inner silence. The earth is an earth of uncertainty, where safety will be unknown. More countries will enter onto the stage of war; after a little while, the force of evil will pounce on humanity with great wickedness. [3]About the snares of the Devil: In the midst of rapidly spreading disease, my children should not lose faith, remaining secure in the Trinitarian Love for every human creature. My children are strong, firm and determined; they retain the assurance of the blessing of being true children of my divine Son. The greatest protection for a nation is a praying people who are converted and convinced of the omnipotent greatness of the Most Holy Trinity.

Pray, children; pray for your brothers and sisters who will suffer due to great floods and earthquakes.

Pray, children; pray that the flame of the Heart of my divine Son would keep burning within you.

Pray, children; pray for your families, for the conversion of everyone and of humanity.

Pray, children; pray, asking for strength so that you would not fall.

Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart, I love you.

Mother Mary

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters,

Giving infinite thanks to our Blessed Mother, I want to share with you that today, uncharacteristically, our Mother appeared to me dressed in black, a color that she uses before serious events for humanity.

She said to me: “Beloved daughter, a great betrayal is in preparation concerning… who is involved in the current war…”

I recall these messages given in previous years:



My beloved people, the relics that My Church possesses will be taken in order to desecrate them; because of this, I have already requested that the relics be rescued and guarded from now on, otherwise you will have no trace of them.




Humanity is being manipulated by a power of which the vast majority are unaware: a group of families to whom the rulers have adhered, obeying their commands. They are the ones with an interest in the rapid arrival of the Third World War. Among them, the Freemasons, opposed to the Church of my Son, have entered into the hierarchy of the Roman Curia, itself, and into the most significant places of the world and society in order to dominate humanity in all areas.



Consecration to the Holy Spirit 

(Inspired to Luz de Maria, 05.2021)

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Holy Spirit, come, I beseech you, I am unworthy of you. I know that You dwell in me and that I have not conformed to such divine love. Aware of this, today I wish to consecrate my life to be a worthy temple of Yours; I consecrate to You my senses, which I have caused to be separated from You.

Come, O Holy Spirit, come and dwell in me. Come to order my life, I beseech You. My free will has run aground and I need You to be the rudder of my life; I need to walk towards You. Holy Spirit, I surrender my free will to You, so that from today and henceforth it will be You who will guide me and lead me with righteousness, thereby purifying my physical and spiritual senses so that I may be light and not darkness.

Come, O Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Father and of the Son, I entrust myself to You: with my fallen pride, with my downtrodden character, with my empty pride, with my ineptitude, I humbly prostrate myself before Your Divinity, conscious that I have offended You, and like the prodigal son I come to You. Come, O Holy Spirit, I wish to free myself from subjection to my human self. Govern me with Your love so that I might be a new creature, filled with faith, hope and charity.

I consecrate myself to You, Holy Spirit, rejecting evil, refusing its insinuations. I consecrate myself to You, Holy Spirit, lighting my lamp so as to keep vigil with You,  in this my inner dwelling where, alone, You and I can meet. Amen.

Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.