Valeria – I Will Shelter You

“Mary, Mother most Chaste” to Valeria Copponi on March 30th, 2022:

My children, Easter is approaching, but if I were to ask each of you what it means, most of my children, above all the youngest ones, would not know how to answer, or would answer by saying, “It is the feast when we find the Easter eggs.” My little children, have you understood how far my youngest children have fallen away? It is admittedly not their fault but that of their fathers and mothers: they will pay dearly for this sin which offends my Son in His crucifixion. I commend myself to you: testify with your works, above all with Holy Mass on Sunday, with Confession of the gravest offences, particularly against the Most Holy Trinity. I ask you – how many of you will sanctify this umpteenth crucifixion[1]i.e. “commemoration of my Son’s crucifixion” of my Son? Never as in these times that you call “modern” has my Son been so offended in His Passion. My children, you who understand how great is our suffering in these days of Easter, offer us all your sacrifices; pray above all for those who are outside God’s grace. Those who do not understand how important it is for their eternal life to keep the feasts holy, especially in this Passiontide, will weep bitter tears. Little children, pray during this week, particularly for the conversion of my beloved children who are crucifying Jesus for the umpteenth time. I love you, my children, and I will shelter you beneath my mantle from the wars of these times. May the blessing of Jesus, crucified and risen, be upon all your families.
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1 i.e. “commemoration of my Son’s crucifixion”
Posted in Messages, Valeria Copponi.